K Jackson had an interesting post recently on a Cloud Computing research report. The Open Group has published a white paper on how to build and measure cloud computing return on investment (ROI). Produced by the Cloud Business Artifacts (CBA) project of The Open Group Cloud Computing Work Group.
The ROI of Cloud Computing – Some Key Metrics
Posted on 05. May, 2010 by borourke in Cloud Computing
What is Cloud Computing Exactly ?
Posted on 06. Apr, 2010 by borourke in Cloud Computing, Franchising
I take for granted that many people understand what “Cloud Computing” is. Speaking at different events and talking with clients in franchising and other industries, I’ve become more aware that many don’t truly understand what the term “Cloud Computing” means.
The Impact of Social CRM on Franchising
Posted on 14. Feb, 2010 by borourke in Franchising
How a franchise manager or executive looks at the key functions of their business must, in many instances, evolve significantly. Rapid changes in how customers, employees and strategic partners interact with the world requires people to rethink methodologies and creates significant implications to all business models, including franchising. A recent report by Gartner, which you […]