Designing a process for effectively awarding franchises can be challenging. There is both a management and a leadership component to doing it. You may recall the image that Stephen Covey paints in “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” whereby a group of Workers are fighting their way through the jungle, wielding machetes and cutting […]
Designing a Process for Awarding Franchises – Part 1: Leadership
Posted on 13. Mar, 2010 by Clint in Franchise Lead Generation, Franchising, Management Philosophy
Fundamentals: Franchise Lead Generation with Google Adwords
Posted on 10. Mar, 2010 by Clint in Case Studies, Cloud Computing, Franchise Lead Generation, Franchise Technology, Franchising
As a follow up to yesterday’s post about effectively managing lead-flow, I’ve posted another video showing what I’ve found to be very useful and effective tools for lead generation. You might want to consider incorporating Google Adwords campaigns into your repertoire for franchise lead generation. The ability to target micro-channels and create highly relevant campaigns […]
Fundamentals: Are You Effectively Managing Lead-Flow?
Posted on 09. Mar, 2010 by Clint in Case Studies, Franchise Lead Generation, Franchise Technology, Franchising
In the spirit of posting helpful information that has real-world applicability, I’ve put together a short video demo of effectively managing lead flow. This clip deals with managing incoming or reactive lead flow, as opposed to proactive lead generation. Sophisticated franchise companies will have multiple lead generation campaigns in place, at all times, and in […]
Problems Recruiting Qualified Franchise Prospects ? What Are You Doing About It ?
Posted on 28. Feb, 2010 by borourke in Franchise Technology, Franchising
So much has changed around how franchise brands attract qualified prospects. Like many aspects of advertising, the game has fundamentally shifted. What can you do about it ? To be successful, brands must re-engineer their methods based on the following 9 disciplines: 1. Understand HOW and WHERE to engage qualified prospects; 2. People trust others […]
The 5 Most Important Aspects of IT for Franchisors
Posted on 25. Feb, 2010 by Clint in Cloud Computing, Franchise Technology, Franchising
Information Technology within franchise systems would appear to be a scarcity, judging by the lack of conversation on the topic. In this post, I’ve laid out 5 of the most important aspects that franchisors will require from their technology vendors.
Franchise Development – Best Practice Is Enterprise 2.0
Posted on 22. Feb, 2010 by borourke in Franchising
Developing and awarding quality franchises is a challenge. With so much competition quality franchisees are getting harder to find. Ironically, most of the development approaches used today, despite many changes in technology, prospects and available methods, are based on old paradigms of professional selling. There is a real opportunity for those who want to embrace […]
The Impact of Social CRM on Franchising
Posted on 14. Feb, 2010 by borourke in Franchising
How a franchise manager or executive looks at the key functions of their business must, in many instances, evolve significantly. Rapid changes in how customers, employees and strategic partners interact with the world requires people to rethink methodologies and creates significant implications to all business models, including franchising. A recent report by Gartner, which you […]
What is a 360-degree view, anyway?
Posted on 13. Feb, 2010 by Clint in Cloud Computing, Franchise Technology, Franchising, Management Philosophy
Like most companies in most industries, franchisors have plenty of moving parts and pieces in their business. For instance, there are potential franchise candidates to evaluate, real estate to analyze, franchisees to train, and franchisees to support; not to mention all of the franchise contracts, leases, and disclosure requirements to keep tabs on. Many franchisors tout ” proven systems” as a main selling point or advantage to becoming a franchisee, however a quick look under the hood would reveal that many franchisors don’t have their own internal processes sorted out.
Franchise System Success – More Elusive Than You Think
Posted on 10. Feb, 2010 by borourke in Franchising, Management Philosophy
Most businesses seeking to franchise a concept do so with the belief that it is a proven way to expand their company successfully. However, its not nearly as easy as many statistics might lead you to believe. A handful of brands comprise the clear majority of successful franchises and thousands of smaller franchise systems experience […]
Mobility – An Invaluable Tool for Franchise Field Operations
Posted on 06. Feb, 2010 by borourke in Franchise Technology, Franchising
If you’ve been in the franchise industry for any time you know the scenario. The poor franchise business consultant, working with a franchisee or its managers at a location in the field. The business is having challenges and the new consultant is trying to get down to the who, what, when, where and why. The […]